Chances are that by the time you are reading this article you have made unsuccessful attempts to negotiate an extension on your car payments. There is no need to lose sleep wondering if your car will disappear in the middle of the night. At this point one of the best ways to protect yourself against car repossession is to file for bankruptcy.
The key is to file for bankruptcy before your vehicle is repossessed. While in some cases, you may be able to get your car back after it’s been repossessed; it is better to avoid that scenario for the following reasons:
· Repossession charges added to past due payments
· Possible damage to a vehicle during the repossession
· Auto finance company less willing to negotiate payments or return vehicle
When you file for bankruptcy, all collection efforts from creditors on your vehicle and other debts will stop. What this means is that no creditor can makes calls or take any type of action to collect on any past due bills. For further questions, an experienced Fort Worth/Arlington bankruptcy attorney can discuss your specific case to answer any questions that you may have.
If you are feeling the stress of too many bills and not enough money to pay your bills, then bankruptcy may be an option for you. For a free bankruptcy consultation contact Fears | Nachawati Law Firm, (866) 705-7584.