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Bankruptcy Can Protect Your Bank Account

If a creditor has seized your bank account, an option to quickly “unfreeze” your account is to file for bankruptcy. In fact, it may be your only option. It is very difficult to function without a bank account. As you know, you use your bank account to pay for groceries, household items and other basic necessities. A frozen bank account can be disastrous for most people.

When you file for bankruptcy in Dallas no creditor can place a lien on your bank account. If you already have a lien on your bank account due to credit card bills or other debts, it will be removed immediately. In some cases, some of the monies removed from your bank account may be returned. The key is to act quickly to make sure that no other creditors place a “freeze” on your account and to try to recover any money a creditor may have received through your bank account. There are special bankruptcy rules that apply in those situations. A Dallas bankruptcy attorney can give you options based on your specific situation.


For a free bankruptcy consultation contact Dallas bankruptcy law firm, Fears | Nachawati Law Firm via phone at  (866) 705-7584 or e-mail at


Bankruptcy Can Protect Your Bank Account